

在信仰上﹐我們以耶穌基督為救主﹔祂賜一切信祂的人豐盛而永恆的生命﹔祂是我們的成聖者﹐潔淨我們的內心﹐叫我們更像祂﹔基督更是大能的醫師﹐祂醫治我們 的心靈肉體的創傷﹔祂也是再來之王﹐祂必再來接我們﹐並叫公義彰顯。我們忠心於耶穌基督的大使命﹐致力將福音傳遍週圍的人﹐國內﹑國外﹐以致地極。在生活 行為上﹐神的話語- 聖經- 是我們日常生活言行的準則。我們是一個大家庭﹐成員有老有少﹐有各行各業人士﹐有從各處到此就讀的學生﹐有家庭及子女。我們本著耶穌的愛心﹐去關心和幫助 您們身心靈的需要﹐使您們今後的生命更豐富﹐更幸福。


Regarding our faith, we believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior; He grants all those who come to Him an abundant and eternal life. He sanctifies us, purifying our heart and mind and making us more like Him each day. He is our healer; He restores our body and soul. He will come again as the triumphant King, receiving us unto Him and vindicating righteousness. We will be true to Him and to His "Great Commission." We will devote ourselves to bringing the Gospel to all the peoples unto the end of the earth. The Scripture, as God's very word, constitutes the sole rule of our Christian living. Our church is just like a large family. Among us are members from all walk of life, both young and old, married or single. We have families and we have students. With Jesus' love, we strive to meet your needs, that your life may be further enriched.

May our Lord's rich blessings be with you.