Welcome to KWCAC
主日崇拜 Sunday Service
二零二五年二月二日 February 2, 2025
English Sunday Worship
9:15 am-10:30 am
Take Him At His Word
Pastor Robin Antoine

Cantonese Sunday Worship
9:15 am-10:30 am

Mandarin Sunday Worship
11:15 am-12:30 pm

每週三禱告會 Wednesday Prayer Meeting
為萬民、教會、家裡的事禱告 Pray for the Nations, the Church, and Brothers and Sisters
活動報告 Events/ Announcements
Feb 2 (Sun) 福音主日崇拜
Feb 9- Apr 6 粵語成人主日學
週日崇拜後 11:30am - 12:30pm
Feb 15 (Sat) 粵語喜迎新春賀年晚宴晚會
請郵件 info@kwcac.ca 查詢
奉獻支持 Offering
需要您在禱告和金錢上支持事工發展 We need your Prayer and support financially
弟兄姊妹主日崇拜的奉獻可用以下方式, 每週接受奉獻的時間為周日至週二晚上,週二後奉獻將算為下一周的。
1) 教會開設 e-transfer(finance@kwcac.ca)賬號。e-Transfer 時請大家務必在信息欄中註明奉獻`號碼,姓名,金額及奉獻的指定基金名稱 (常費,差傳,建堂,或慈惠金)。
2) 直接存款入 TD 銀行的教會賬號K-W Chinese Alliance Church 0085-5004441。請大家務必將銀行收據和註明奉獻號碼,姓名,金額及奉獻的指定基金名稱 (常費 GF,差傳 MF,建堂 BF,或慈惠金BVF)發送教會電子郵箱 finance@kwcac.ca。
The weekly offering period is from Sunday to Tuesday evening. The offering received after Tuesday night will be counted as next Sunday’s offering.
1) E-transfer to finance@kwcac.ca. Please indicate the offering number, name, amount and the name of the designated fund (General fund, mission fund , building fund, or benevolent fund).
2) Direct deposit the amount into K-W Chinese Alliance Church 0085-5004441. Please write on your deposit receipt your offering number, name, amount and the name of the designated fund (General fund, mission fund, building fund, or benevolent fund) and email the picture to finance@kwcac.ca .